Losing It


I totally lost it today. I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. I felt pulled in so many directions. Tyler was working from home so I was able to escape to this quiet spot for a bit and clear my head. I read a post by @glennondoyle about crisis and knew I was led to it. Sometimes the way gets blurry and we desperately need a wee bit of light to illuminate the next step. We find the lamp posts we need as often as we look for them. 🕯Of this I am sure. 🙏🏻💗 Go check out her feed/blog if you are needing some inspiration. She's one of my favorite humans and I'm super grateful she has lit my path on many occasions. Her book Carry on Warrior was my friend in a lonely time. It's one I will hold sacred forever. She's not afraid to be vulnerable and share her truth. I am so inspired by that kind of bravery and I plan to carry that torch with her. Just thought I'd share in case your day was like mine. Oh, and get yourself a #yorkie therapist stat! 💗✌🏻


H to the...


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